Empowerment Childcare
offers childcare solutions to help families thrive
Empowerment Childcare (ECC) at the YWCA provides low-cost childcare to families who need flexible care options. Our program serves all families regardless of income status or purpose of childcare.
For parents who are in transition, continuing their education, accessing social services, or looking for employment, we offer care on an income-verified sliding scale and we work closely with the Family Justice Center, Buncombe County Department of Health and Human Services, A-B Tech, and Mary Benson House. Additionally, we provide case management and connect participants with local employment, social services, housing, and education resources.
Designed so busy parents can take care of errands, doctor’s appointments, meetings – or take care of themselves with an afternoon or night out!
Empowerment Childcare
Income Verified
Provides up to 12 hours of free childcare per week for parents who are in transition, continuing their education, and/or accessing social services.
YWCA Programs
Childcare is available to many of our YWCA programs including Gym and Pool members, MotherLOVE, Getting Ahead, and more. Parent must remain on property.
For more information or to schedule an appointment with the Director of Empowerment Childcare, please follow this link
Empowering Women: Mandy's Empowerment Childcare Story
Empowerment Childcare Center Hours:
Monday – Thursday: 8:00 am – 6:00 pm
Space is limited, all participants must complete our full application including orientation, and must make a reservation. Maximum of 4 hours of childcare per day. For more information regarding Empowerment Childcare please complete the appropriate application and book a phone or in-person appointment today.
For More Information, Contact:
Alesia Summey, Director of Empowerment Childcare
828-254-7206 x113
Thanks to Our Funders
Free Empowerment Childcare is made possible in part by support from, AAUW, The Sisters of Mercy of North Carolina Foundation, Buncombe County Services Foundation, United Way of Asheville and Buncombe County, and YWCA donors. The YWCA of Asheville is a proud partner with Working Wheels.