YWCA Emergency Childcare & Community Markets
Stay Home, Stay Safe
As you are aware, Buncombe County issued a stay-at-home order that went into effect on March 26 at 8:00 pm through April 9. The order recommends staying home unless you need to go to work, access childcare or healthcare, or pick up needed items such as groceries or prescriptions. While the stay-at-home order is in place until Thursday, April 9, this date is subject to change through extension and revision.Additionally, Governor Cooper issued an executive order that closed North Carolina schools and fitness centers through May 15. At this time, the YWCA Early Learning Center and Fitness and Aquatics programs remain closed.
YWCA Community Resource Center
As we strive to be at the forefront in terms of aid we have transitioned into a community resource center. This week we have started both our Emergency Childcare services, as well as our Community Markets. YWCA Emergency Childcare is available to first responders, healthcare workers, and essential county personnel.
- Ages: 0 - 12 years
- Time: 7:30 am - 6:00 pm, Monday - Friday
- Lunch provided? Yes
We have also hosted Community Markets in partnership with Manna Food Bank to provide food for our neighbors in need. So far, we have hosted Community Markets at Issac Dickson, Pisgah View Apartments, and most recently Aston Park Towers. We continue to package and deliver food to those in need.
How You Can Help
- Donate to our emergency fund to help us in our community efforts.
- To volunteer, please contact Amanda Durst amanda.durst@
ywcaofasheville.org .